Sustainable Marketing
The Sustainable Marketing & Innovation SIG is an emerging community of scholars who believe that the business of business is more than business. To this end, we strive to understand how environmental, social, and/or governance initiatives undertaken by companies influence pivotal business and societal outcomes.
The specific research interests of our SIG members span numerous topics, including: demonstrating the business case for sustainability, driving innovation in a circular economy, empowering entrepreneurs at the base of the pyramid with marketing knowledge, understanding drivers of consumer decision making, linking marketing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and clarifying when and how sustainability can serve as a basis for competitive advantage. Given the strong push to also incorporate sustainability into the curriculum, we also facilitate collaborative exchange of research ideas and teaching resources.
Honorary Chair: Jagdish N. Sheth (Emory University)
Chair: Neeraj Bharadwaj (University of Tennessee)
Awards & Strategic Initiatives:
Sundar Bharadwaj, University of Georgia
Anders Gustafsson, Norwegian Business School
Charles Noble, University of Tennessee
Atul Kulkarni, Southern Connecticut State University
Antje Graul, Utah State
Ludovica Scalco, Norwegian Business School—PhD Student
Corporate Affairs: Maddy Kulkarni, Pepsico
Events: Crystal Reeck, Temple University
Teaching Resources: Xiaohu Wu, Michigan State University—PhD Student
Treasurer: Dionne Nickerson, Indiana University