Human experience is the next frontier for winning over customers. Businesses must adapt to a new way of thinking to succeed in a highly competitive corporate environment
The days when brands were able to operate without regard for customer feedback and social media commentary seem like the Dark Ages. How about life without Amazon, Uber, Facebook or Apple? These companies designed their business models around user experience (UX) and customer experience (CX).
CX once served as a source of unique competitive advantage. Today it is the cost of entry. Organizations are challenged to deliver compelling CX in the face of heightened customer expectations and a constantly evolving business environment.
CX has created a marketplace of consumers who value corporate conscience and a demonstration of corporate values. Corporate responsibility is as important to many consumers nowadays as are cost, quality and customer service. Meanwhile, technology and unprecedented access to information is driving a shift in power from companies to consumers. Modern marketers know that consumers create brand stories for companies in real time based on their interactions with products and services, not the other way around.