Deadline Extensions
Nominations for Editor of Journal of International Marketing (Now 1 Oct 2006); Special Issue of the Marketing Education Review, on Teaching Innovation (Now 15 Sep 2006)
postNominations for Editor of Journal of International Marketing (Now 1 Oct 2006); Special Issue of the Marketing Education Review, on Teaching Innovation (Now 15 Sep 2006)
postFirst International Workshop on Software Product Management, Minneapolis/St. Paul, 12 Sep 2006
postThe AMA Marketing and Society Special Interest Group announces a restructured board of directors
postOrganization Science Winter Conference, Steamboat Springs, 8-11 Feb 2007; Deadline 20 Oct 2006
postSon Lam seeks unpublished papers for a meta-analysis of the relationship between Employee Job Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality
postTransformative Consumer Research: Inspiring Scholarship for Collective and Personal Well-Being, Hanover, NH, 6-8 Jul 2007; Deadline 31 Jan 2007
postJim Brown and Rajiv Dant have been appointed co-editors of the Journal of Retailing
postDan Laufer created a Crisis Management course, parts of which could be integrated into others' traditional courses. He also seeks new materials on this topic.
postThe U.S. Census Bureau seeks to fund doctoral candidates investigating survey, methodological and other issues of interest to the bureau