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B&ESI 2007

2007 Business & Economics Society International Conference, Antibes, French Riviera, 17-20 July 2007; Deadline 15 Mar


Marketing Productivity

Guillermo Armelini is looking for dialog on teaching marketing productivity or marketing ROI


AMS Outstanding Teacher Awards

Call for Nominations, Academy of Marketing Science 2007 Outstanding Marketing Teacher Awards; Deadline for nominations: 15 Nov 2006


Brand Management

Susan Fournier's recent request for undergraduate teaching materials on branding has led to a series of ARC pages


Political Marketing

Andreas Kaplan seeks textbooks covering issues in political marketing and marketing within public administration


The Immutabilis Pandemic

Alexander Repiev comments on the proliferation of writings positing "N Immutable Laws" of marketing or sales or related fields


JBBM Now Covered by ISI

The Journal of Business to Business Marketing has been selected for coverage by the Institute for Scientific Information


TOC 05 Sep 2006

Administrative Sci Quart; European Man J; Intl J Tourism Res; J Business Ethics; J Bus-to-Bus Mar; J Bus Venturing; J Hospitality and Leisure Mar; J Intl Consumer Mar; J Intl Mar; J Internet Commerce; J Retailing and Consumer Services; Mar Letters; Services Mar Quart
