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Services Dissertation Proposals

The Initiative for Managing Services at Ohio State and the AMA Services Marketing SIG announce a dissertation proposal competition; Submissions 1 Oct - 1 Nov 2006


IMM Outstanding Paper 2005

Finn Wynstra and Adam Lindgreen won Industrial Marketing Management?s Outstanding Paper Award with "Value in Business Markets: What do we know? Where are we going?"


Citation Errors

Malcolm Wright and Scott Armstrong seek feedback on their working paper about citation errors


Selection Trees

Kesten Green seeks feedback on tree-like visual aids that allow the user to pick the appropriate method


TOC 12 Sep 2006

Intl J Elec Commerce; Intl J Hosp Man; Internet Res; J Bus & Indust Mar; J Consumer Mar; J of Consumer Res; J Intl Bus Studies; J Nonprofit & Pub Sector Mar; J Personality and Social Psych; J Small Bus and Enter Develop; Mar Intel & Planning; Mar Science; Public Relations Review; Quant Mar and Econ; Res Policy


Global Marketing Videos

Vishal Singh of Raja Choudhary College requests information on videos of use in a class on global marketing


The Week’s Deadline News

JBR Special Issue on Formative Indicators (30 Sep 2006); International Business and Economy Conference (Deadline now 1 Oct)
