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ACR-Sheth Dissertation Proposal Grants

The Association for Consumer Research and the Sheth Foundation have awarded grants to Jonathan Deschenes, Liangyan Wang, Carlos J. Torelli and Thuc-Doan T. Nguyen


Positions 18 Oct 2006

Rutgers University - Newark and New Brunswick; University of Texas at San Antonio; University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Catholic University of Leuven; University of Louisiana, Lafayette; University of Guelph; University of Warwick


JM, Avatars and Blogging

The Holzwarth, Janiszewski and Neumann article on avatars in the current Journal of Marketing is available for free. Siva K. Balasubramanian invites you to read and blog.


TOC 17 Oct 2006

Harvard Bus Review; Intl Bus Rev; Intl J Internet Mar and Advertising; Intl J Retail & Dist Management; J Advertising; J Bus Research; J Consumer Mar; J Database Mar; J Mar Communications; J Mar Theory and Practice; MarketingAcademics@AMA; Organization Science; Org Behavior and Human Decision Processes; Org Research Methods; Sloan Management Review


2006 Educators’ Direct Marketing Symposium

A Day of Learning About the Future of Direct Marketing Communication, Philadelphia, 10 Nov 2006, Presented by the Philadelphia AMA and the Direct Marketing Educational Foundation


Conference Deadlines

ART Forum (20 Oct); Marketing Management Association (23 Oct); Association of Marketing Theory and Practice (Extension to 3 Nov); Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference (1 Feb)


Sales SIG NextGen Travel Award

The AMA Selling and Sales Management SIG will be awarding one doctoral student $1000 for attending the AMA Winter Educators' Conference in San Diego


SCP-Sheth Dissertation Proposal

Anastasiya Pocheptsova wins with "The Effect of Context and Real-time Evaluations on Retrospective Judgments of Hedonic Experiences". Honorable mention - Julia Belyavsky and Arul Mishra


Fulbright Distinguished Lecturer

Full professors whose specialty does not necessarily relate to Korea are encouraged to apply for Korea?s Distinguished Lecturer award at Yonsei University
