Conference News
CHARM (Deadline Now 4 Dec); EACR, Call for Reviewers (Submission Deadline 15 Dec); Summer AMA, SERVSIG Call for Special Sessions (SERVSIG Deadline 1 Jan 2007, General Conf Deadline 8 Jan)
postCHARM (Deadline Now 4 Dec); EACR, Call for Reviewers (Submission Deadline 15 Dec); Summer AMA, SERVSIG Call for Special Sessions (SERVSIG Deadline 1 Jan 2007, General Conf Deadline 8 Jan)
postLJ Shrum poses a question on behalf of a UTSA colleague who is interested in research on marketing applications of distinctiveness and memory
postRobert D. Tamilia had asked ELMAR subscribers for undergraduate principles course syllabi. This has led to an updated ARC principles syllabus page and new pages on assignments and textbooks.
post2007 Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition in Behavioral Pricing, Sponsored by the Fordham University Pricing Center; Deadline 1 Apr 2007
postSandy K. Jap and Shankar Ganesan have won for "Control Mechanisms and the Relationship Life Cycle: Implications for Safeguarding Specific Investments and Developing Commitment," from JMR (2000)
postUniversity of Texas at Arlington; Tiffin University; Northwestern University (Post-Doc); HEC Montreal; Indiana State University; Metropolitan State College of Denver; University of North Texas Dallas Campus; University of Massachusetts Boston; George Washington University; Wichita State University
postSage is offering free access to the November, 2006 issue of the Journal of Service Research, which is a special issue on the topic of "Managing Customers for Value"
postThe Journal of Consumer Behaviour, published by Wiley, will be re-launched in January, 2007. Andrea Davies and James Fitchett have been managing editors since earlier this year.
postBus Horizons; Econometrica; European J Mar; Intl J Retail & Dist Man; Internet Research; J Bus-to-Bus Mar; J Consumer Psych; J Exp Psych: Learning, Memory and Cognition; J Intl Mar; J Marketing for Higher Ed; J Personal Selling and Sales Man; J Retailing and Consumer Services; Services Mar Quart