Type: Post
J Interactive Marketing
Arvind Rangaswamy is the Co-Editor Designate for the Journal of Interactive Marketing
postCNS Vithala Rao Award
Tolga Bilgicer, Kamel Jedidi, Donald R. Lehmann and Scott A. Neslin have won the Customer Needs and Solutions Vithala R. Rao Award for the 2015 article on multihchannel usage
postGary Lilien ISMS-MSI-EMAC Practice Prize
INFORMS Society for Marketing Science solicits entries; Deadline 8 Jan 2020
postRevisit: ICMI 2019
International Conference for Marketing in the Insurance industry, Paris, 17-18 Oct 2019; Deadline 31 Aug
postRevisit: OFR Scholarships
Young Scholar Research Competition for the Organizational Frontlines Research Symposium; Deadline 15 Sep 2019
postEmerging Markets
Business Practices, Growth and Economic Policies; Book to be edited by Luis Camacho and Satyendra Singh; Deadline 30 Sep 2019
postMultichannel and Omnichannel Shopping
Peng Zhang seeks studies on multichannel marketing including non-published work
postThink Forward Initiative
Funding for research projects on financial decision-making, financial health, and financial well-being; Deadline 6 Oct 2019