Journal of Marketing News – July 2020
Upcoming webinar, forthcoming articles, new classroom entries
journalsUpcoming webinar, forthcoming articles, new classroom entries
journalsAn editorial with 10 commentaries on the pandemic, A statement of solidarity, and more from the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
journalsAn invitation-only special issue on COVID 19 is now available, a 45th anniversary, and new AEs at JBR
journalsEmerald seeks expressions of interest for the Editorship of the Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
journalsThe International Journal of Research in Marketing lauds three Associate Editors and four Editorial Review Board members
journalsReviewing webinar materials, forthcoming articles, upcoming webinar
journalsDocSIG requests input from all those PhD students who were in the job market during 2019, regardless of outcome
journalsNominations sought for Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research; Deadline 11 May 2020