Attitude-Behavior Gap in Green Consumption
Ishani Patharia is looking for working papers and unpublished studies on this topic
dialogIshani Patharia is looking for working papers and unpublished studies on this topic
dialogStephan Volpers seeks unpublished empirical studies on new product launches or adoption in business markets
dialogA anonymous researcher seeks unpublished or working paper meta-analyses on any marketing topic
dialogCohosted by the AMA's Interorganizational SIG, the European Marketing Academy's B2B Marketing SIG, and the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC)
dialogValter Afonso Vieira is looking for unpublished papers on customer equity drivers
dialogMamoun Benmamoun seeks manuscripts on standardization, adaptation or localization of international Web sites, social media platforms or mobile apps
dialogThe AMA's Doctoral Student SIG is looking for doctoral students to contribute to the JMR Scholar Insights blog