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Kimmy Chan, Hong Kong Baptist University
Anatoli Colicev, University of Liverpool
Alexander Edeling, KU Leuven
Emily Garbinsky, Cornell University
Arvid Hoffmann, University of Adelaide
Christian Hughes, Case Western Reserve University
Tarun Kushwaha, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Ju-Yeon Lee, Iowa State University
Shibo Li, Indiana University
Stephan Ludwig, Monash University
Andrew Petersen, Pennsylvania State University
Maria Rodas, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Huanhuan Shi, Texas A&M University
Jenny van Doorn, University of Groningen
Nooshin Warren, University of Arizona
Simone Wies, Goethe University Frankfurt
Pankaj Aggarwal, University of Toronto
Tonya Williams Bradford, University of California, Irvine
Hannes Datta, Tilburg University
Eileen Fischer, York University
Henrik Hagtvedt, Boston College
Ramkumar Janakiraman, North Carolina State University
Bernie Jaworski, Claremont Graduate University
Andreas Lanz, University of Basel
Stephen Nowlis, Washington University in St. Louis
Jun Hyun (Joseph) Ryoo, Arizona State University
Alok Saboo, Georgia State University
Francesca Valsesia, Washington University, Seattle
Kenneth H. Wathne, BI Norwegian Business School
Alex Zablah, University of Tennessee
Anocha Aribarg, University of Michigan
Rajesh Bagchi, Virginia Tech
Alixandra Barasch, University of Colorado Boulder
Kathleen Cleeren, KU Leuven
Manpreet Gill, University of South Carolina
Mahima Hada, Baruch College
Kelly Herd, University of Connecticut
Shijie Lu, University of Notre Dame
Liye Ma, University of Maryland
Girish Mallapragada, Indiana University
Adithya Pattabhiramaiah, Georgia Tech
Hope Schau, University of Arizona
Qiaowei Shen, Peking University
Xin (Shane) Wang, Virginia Tech
Simon Bell, University of Melbourne
Anindita Chakravarty, University of Georgia
Sandeep Chandukala, Singapore Management University
Darren Dahl, University of British Columbia
Barbara Deleersnyder, Tilburg University
Beth Fossen, Indiana University
Amir Grinstein, Northeastern University
Flora Gu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Mark Houston, Texas Christian University
Satish Jayachandran, University of South Carolina
Shiri Melumad, University of Pennsylvania
Martin Mende, Florida State University
Nailya Ordabayeva, Boston College
Neeru Paharia, Georgetown University
Bernd Skiera, Goethe University
Jan Wieseke, Ruhr-University of Bochum
Michelle Andrews, Emory University
Amar Cheema, University of Virginia
Allan Chen, University of Kentucky
David A. Griffith, Texas A&M University
Kelly Hewett, University of Tennessee
Vamsi Kanuri, Notre Dame University
Alok Kumar, University of Nebraska
Leonard Lee, National University of Singapore
Stephen Nowlis, Washington University
Venkatesh Shankar, Texas A&M University
Debora V. Thompson, Georgetown University
Caleb Warren, University of Arizona
Kenneth H. Wathne, University of Stavanger and Norwegian Business School
Alex R. Zablah, University of Tennessee
Kimmy Chan, Hong Kong Baptist University
Eileen Fischer, York University
Robert Fisher, University of Alberta
Colleen Harmeling, Florida State University
Michael Hui, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Kartik Kalaignanam, University of South Carolina
Son Lam, University of Georgia
Jongkuk Lee, Ewha Womans University
Barak Libai, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya
Yuping Liu-Thompkins, Old Dominion University
Ashwani Monga, Rutgers University
Lisa Scheer, University of Missouri
Nita Umashankar, San Diego State University
Ralf van der Lans, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Kersi Antia, Western University
Neeraj Arora, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Lauren Block, Baruch College
Marc Fischer, University of Cologne
Ashlee Humphreys, Northwestern University
Detelina Marinova, University of Missouri
Kelly Martin, Colorado State University
Brian Murtha, University of Kentucky
Tom Novak, George Washington University
Jaideep Prabhu, Cambridge University
S. Sriram, University of Michigan
Claudia Townsend, University of Miami
Kapil Tuli, Singapore Management University
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Journal of Marketing | Reviewer Resources
Reviewing for the Journal of Marketing is a powerful way to contribute to the advancement of the Marketing discipline. Reviewers have the opportunity to stay engaged with new trends and ideas as well as to learn how to craft a strong manuscript. And the peer review system is strengthened by diverse participation of scholars willing […]
JM Webinar: Writing An Outstanding Review
Journal of Marketing editors Christine Moorman and Harald van Heerde share ideas and advice for academics looking to write an outstanding review for a journal. They cover: why you should review, approaching the review, a recommended review mindset, maximizing the impact of your review, writing the review, and what to learn after the editor’s decision. […]
Article Awards | Journal of Marketing
All Journal of Marketing Awards are presented annually at the Summer AMA Conference and are selected through the five-step process outlined below. Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing AwardShelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard AwardAMA/Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root AwardOutstanding ReviewersSelection Process for All JM Journal Awards Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award The Sheth Foundation established the Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award in […]