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  • AMA Undergraduate Research Competition

    Showcase your marketing research, whether it’s from class projects, client consulting, or from industry work. Participation also presents an avenue to pursue ICC travel funding from your institution. 

The Undergraduate Research Competition provides a platform to showcase your marketing research in a fun and relaxed setting. Participation also presents an avenue to pursue ICC travel funding from your institution. Accepted research abstracts (following the template provided) will be digitally published on the AMA website as part of the ICC research proceedings along with the faculty research, ensuring wider dissemination of your valuable work.

See what past presenters had to say about their experience:

“I simply used research I had already completed from my market research class.  As a result – I secured funding from my University for ICC and I have something impactful to show potential employers in an interview” Participant, ICC 2024

“I never considered a career in research, but after leading a research project and presenting it at ICC, I pursued jobs in marketing research and was lucky enough to land one. That never would have happened if I hadn’t done the research leading up to ICC.” – Participant, ICC 2023

Submission Requirements

  • Submissions are open to current AMA national undergraduate student members. Participants can be either an individual student or teams of two students. (Note: faculty members are not allowed to present with students, and the Undergraduate Research entry cannot be resubmitted by a faculty member to present in the ICC Faculty Research session).
  • A maximum of one entry from each university may be judged and eligible for awards. If more than one abstract from any school is submitted, the Chapter’s Faculty Advisor will be asked to select the one entry that will be judged.
  • Only Research from the current academic year may be submitted and no current case competition research may be entered.

Research Abstract Guidelines:

To prepare your Undergraduate Research submission please follow the outline provided below. Entries that do not meet the requirements will be disqualified.

All Undergraduate Research Extended Abstracts MUST be submitted in PDF, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with 1-inch margins.

Please begin with the following elements:

1. TITLE (bold, all caps).

2. Author Names, University Affiliations – No titles (Dr., Mr., Ms., etc.) should be used, nor should rank be indicated.

3. Faculty Advisor’s Name

4. Contact Info: Under author names (maximum of two), please include the following statement for the lead author:

“For further information, please contact Lead Author’s Full Name, Title, Affiliation (Email Address).”

4. Keywords: Please provide a list of 4-5 keywords.

5. Description: Please provide a one (1) sentence description of your paper.

Please then standardize the organization and content of your Research Abstract in accordance with the following headings:

6. Lead Heading: RESEARCH ABSTRACT (bold, centered, all caps)

*Please limit your content under each of these headings to no more than 200 words. Please use word count, as submissions in excess of this quantity could lead to disqualifications.

7. Heading One: Research Question (bold, left-aligned, title caps)* – Describe the research question that your research project is intended to answer and why it is being studied. Any subsequent questions may also be included.

8. Heading Two: Method and Data (bold, left-aligned, title caps)* – Describe how you went about answering the research question through your research. Methods can be quantitative, qualitative, or both. However, all research projects must include primary research in order to qualify for the competition.

9. Heading Three: Summary of Findings (bold, left-aligned, title caps)* – Describe the results of your analysis.

10. Heading Four: Key Contributions (bold, left-aligned, title caps)* – Describe the most important takeaways from your research. Consider what marketers could do with your results and what other research could come next.

View Undergraduate Research Sample: Sample Extended Abstract PDF


  • Any entry using case competition related research will be disqualified.
  • Research must be conducted during the current academic year.
  • No reference list is necessary.
  • Please do not include any graphic elements (e.g., display equations, tables, figures, appendices).

Submission and Acceptance Process

  1. All Undergraduate Research submissions will go through a reviewing process and the accepted submissions will receive an invitation to present and compete at ICC.
  2. Accepted submission will require the undergrad students to present their research in-person via a printed posted on display at ICC. All presenters will be required to attend and register for the International Collegiate Conference and a tri-folder/canvas will be provided to present and display your research upon ICC check-in.
  3. Students submitting entry for this competition must be presenters on the competition day (no substitutes).
    • Undergraduate Research presenters must register by March 1st and attend the AMA International Collegiate Conference, April 3-5, 2025, New Orleans.
  4. Submit your entry when the call for submissions open.
    • If your chapter submits a team of two authors for the Undergraduate Research Competition, designate a primary lead contact who will manage the submission process and sign up in the Award Force platform (this lead will be responsible for sharing important information to co-presenter).
      • If the individual/team is new to the AMA Award Force competition sign up platform, the primary/lead contact must create an Award Force account in order to sign up the team for the competition (prior to sign up, please make sure you have full contact information for co-presenter).
  5. The top Undergraduate Research Competition submissions will receive an invitation to present with further instruction in early March.
    • Invitation follow up will also include details on poster design and will be sent closer to ICC.
  6. At ICC, multiple rounds of judging will occur. Further details will be provided.
  7. The winner will be announced during the Friday Awards Ceremony at ICC.

Round Details

Poster Set-Up: Friday, April 4, 2025

Round 1: Friday, April 4, 2025

  • During this session, poster authors are required to stand by their posters, ready to discuss their research and answer judges’ questions.
  • Six posters will advance to the next round based on judges’ evaluations.

Final Round (Oral Presentation): Friday, April 4, 2025

  • In the Final Round, the authors who advance will have 8 minutes to present and share their research using their poster as their presentation tool.
  • Judges will have a final opportunity to review the posters and submit their scores to determine the ICC Best Undergraduate Research submission and will be awarded during the Awards Ceremony on Friday night.

How is the Research Judged?

The Undergraduate Research submissions will go through Two Rounds of judging.

  1. All Submissions / Research Abstracts are judged, then (if accepted)
  2. Presentations with research poster is judged at ICC

Research Abstract Judging

The first phase of judging will be held after the call for submissions is closed and the co-chairs will begin the judging process to determine what submissions are accepted and declined using the following judging criteria (research abstracts will be judged according to the following):

Research Question (25 points): 

  • Clarity (up to 10 points): Clearly articulated and focused research question. 
  • Relevance (up to 10 points): The question is relevant to the subject and demonstrates a clear understanding of the research area. 
  • Originality (up to 5 points): The research question shows creativity or innovation in approaching the topic. 

Method And Data (25 points): 

  • Description (up to 10 points): Clearly explains the chosen research method and data collection procedures. 
  • Appropriateness (up to 10 points): Demonstrates the suitability of the chosen method and data for addressing the research question. 
  • Rigor (up to 5 points): Reflects a thoughtful consideration of potential biases, limitations, and ethical considerations. 

Summary of Findings (25 points): 

  • Clarity (up to 10 points): Presents the findings in a clear and concise manner. 
  • Accuracy (up to 10 points): Ensures accuracy in summarizing the key results obtained from the research. 
  • Relevance (up to 5 points): Relates the findings back to the research question and objectives. 

Statement of Key Contributions (25 points): 

  • Identification (up to 10 points): Clearly identifies and articulates the key contributions of the research. 
  • Significance (up to 10 points): Demonstrates the significance and impact of the contributions to the field. 
  • Originality (up to 5 points): Conveys any novel or unique aspects of the research. 


  • Discussion under each of these headings to no more than 200 words. Please use word count, as submissions over this quantity will be disqualified. 
  • Any entry using case competition related research will be disqualified.
  • Research must be conducted during the current academic year. 
  • Research submission must not be same research as submitted for Faculty research paper.  

Presentation with Research Poster Judging

The second phase of judging will take place in-person during the Undergraduate Research session where the students will present at the International Collegiate Conference (ICC).

Note: ICC in-person judging will be facilitated by volunteer judges (faculty advisors and special guests), and will use a 50-point evaluation rubric using the following nine criteria:

Content/Organization (1= poor and 5= excellent): Content presented in a logical, organized, accurate and clear manner.

Research Question (1= poor and 5= excellent): Clarity, originality, and relevance.

Research Method and Data (1= poor and 5= excellent): Description, suitability of method and biases/limitations.

Summary of Findings (1= poor and 5= excellent): Clarity, accuracy, and relevance.

Key Contributions (1= poor and 5= excellent): Clarity, relevance, and originality.

Presentation (1= poor and 5= excellent): Visual and graphical impact: layout, clarity, figures, visibility, and relevance to research.

Presentation Style and Communication (1= poor and 5= excellent): Verbal & nonverbal: audience engagement, enthusiasm-articulation, pace, body language, and eye contact.

Responses to Questions (1= poor and 5= excellent): Thoughtful and relevant quality of responses.

Overall Evaluation of the Project (1= poor and 10= excellent): Judges’ overall impression of the research and presentation.


The Undergraduate Research Competition session will identify the following winners:

  • 1st Place: $250 and AMA Certificate
  • 2nd Place: $200 and AMA Certificate
  • 3rd Place: $100 and AMA Certificate

New: Check out the Undergraduate Research Competition presentations featured in the 2024 ICC Proceedings! Click on the link below to access.


Do I have to be registered for the 2025 AMA International Collegiate Conference to participate?
Yes, participation requires registration for the ICC as it is held in person at the conference.

Can my chapter submit multiple posters?
No, there is a limit of one poster presentation per collegiate chapter/university.

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