2023 AMA International Collegiate Conference

New Orleans, LA


1:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Collegiate Chapters Council Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the AMA Collegiate Chapters Council (Closed to CCC and Support Center Staff).

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Early Registration & Check-In

Whether you’re participating in a Thursday morning activity or just want to beat the rush, check-in and pick up your materials Wednesday afternoon!


7:00 am - 7:30 pm

Registration & Check-In

Come check-in, get your badge and more information on the event.

8:00 am - 1:00 pm

Setup for Chapter Exhibits

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Case Competition Finals

The 2023 Case Competition finalists will have the opportunity to showcase their talents and compete for First Place, in front of judges from the  2023 AMA Collegiate Case Competition sponsor, The Wall Street Journal. The session is closed to competition finalists only.

8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Marketplace Marketing Simulation

Startup a new marketing division for a large, international company. Your goal? Launch a revolutionary new product line.

Test your marketing skills in this unknown market. Can you satisfy demanding customers, beat aggressive competitors, and earn big bucks in this innovative marketing simulation?

The 2023 AMA ICC Marketplace Marketing Simulation is sponsored by Marketplace Simulations

9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Digital Marketing Workshop: Unleash Your Potential as a Digital Marketer Today!

Are you waiting to finish that class, graduate from college, and get that job before you can call yourself a digital marketer? Stop waiting and start working today. The tools and technologies are out there just waiting for you. Jumpstart your digital marketing journey and get a substantial head start on your competitors when you graduate.

Learn from Cord Silverstein, founder of Advocacy Social, who will guide you through step-by-step instructions on digital marketing strategies, tactics, and tools. Discover how to develop a successful digital marketing plan, create engaging video marketing, build your personal brand, and leverage AI to do all this better, smarter, and faster.

This interactive session includes hands-on activities to develop your own digital brand and reputation, which you can begin using immediately. Don’t wait, become a next-generation digital marketer today!

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Host Chapter Meeting

ICC Host Chapter Representatives will be meeting to prepare for the conference ahead.

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Undergraduate Research Competition

The Undergraduate Research Competition (formerly the Student Poster Session) is a great way for your peers to showcase their research. Support your student peers and stop by, check out their posters, and ask questions! Research posters shown will include topics in the field of marketing, market analysis, market research, positioning maps, and more.

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Chapter President Roundtables & Reception

We invite all Collegiate Chapter Presidents and Presidents-Elect in attendance at ICC to be part of this welcome reception.

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Faculty Advisor Reception

Hosted by the Collegiate Chapters Council, we invite all Faculty Advisors in attendance at 2023 ICC to be part of this welcome reception.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

New Faculty Advisor Workshop

For new Faculty Advisors: Get tips from the pros on being the best advisor you can be! This discussion will be facilitated by members of the Collegiate Chapters Council.

4:15 pm - 5:15 pm

Social Scramble & T-Shirt Exchange

Join us for this fun-filled, high-energy networking session and get to meet your fellow Conference attendees and have a chance to win some prizes!

In addition, bring extra chapter t-shirts with you to exchange with other attendees!

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Parade of Chapters Line Up

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Opening Kick-Off | Parade of Chapters | Opening Keynote: Network & Trust

Let’s kick off this year’s conference and celebrate our return to New Orleans, featuring the Parade of Chapters and Keynote Speaker, Michelle Okeke!

Keynote Session Details:

Networking is tough. And it can feel like it’s not working. But there are so many things at play that you can’t see. During this session, I’ll share my own journey of networking and job searching. I’ll share advice on how those are two different things that are done for different reasons, as well as how I got to work at some of the top companies in the world like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and now Bose by learning to trust when it looked like everything I was doing wasn’t working.

Michelle Okeke

Marketing Lead, Bose Corporation

7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Chapter Exhibits Competition

The Collegiate Chapter Exhibits Competition is a can’t-miss highlight of the AMA International Collegiate Conference. These exhibits, presented in trade show fashion by AMA collegiate chapters, give chapters an opportunity to be creative and show off their accomplishments. Fellow students, as well as guest judges, will select the winners!

7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Chapter T-Shirt Competition

The Chapter T-Shirt competition invites chapters to design and showcase a shirt that represents their chapter/university spirit, and students attending ICC will have the opportunity to view and vote on the winning Chapter T-shirt. Make sure you cast your vote!

The 2023 AMA ICC Chapter T-Shirt Competition is sponsored by MemberPromos.


8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Come check-in, get your badge and more information on the event.

9:00 am - 10:15 am

DEI in Marketing Panel

During this panel, hear from faculty and student alumni of AMA’s inaugural Diversity Leadership Institute about their perspectives on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work in the marketing field. The DLI is a four-day Institute that allowed participants the opportunity to meet and interact with an intimate cohort of marketing students from historically disenfranchised and underrepresented communities in the field.

Maxfield Beebe

Associate Consultant, Atrium Insights

Erick Mas Headshot

Erick Mas

Assistant Professor of Marketing Indiana University, Kelley School of Business

Karen McFarlane

CMO, LetterShop x Kaye Media; Chair of DEI, AMA New York & AMA Professional Chapters Council

Diego Socorro

Senior, Univerity of Southern Indiana

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Marketing Strategy (AM Session)

The Marketing Strategy Competition takes place at the AMA International Collegiate Conference. We level the playing field for all schools, big and small, to challenge your wit, speed and presentation skills.

This one is all about using your knowledge and experience to react quickly to come up with a case solution.

You have the option of participating in this morning session, or during the afternoon session starting at 2 p.m.

9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Perfect Pitch Competition

Take part in this fast-paced pitch competition! While not truly a sales-specific role-play, the AMA Perfect Pitch Competition is a 90-second interview in which you position yourself as being “right for the job.”

This is a skill that every marketing professional needs to develop. Like an elevator pitch competition, your goal is to provide 2-3 key selling points why you are an ideal candidate and then support these qualifications with examples. The end goal is to close the deal and get hired!

A Final Round will take place on Saturday morning, with the winner and top-performing students announced at the Collegiate Awards Banquet on Saturday, April 1.

10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Faculty Paper Sessions

Faculty sessions will consist of refereed paper presentations based on the submission of extended abstracts that have been accepted.

All papers will undergo a double-blind review process. Accepted papers will be published digitally on the AMA website.

10:00 am - 4:30 pm

College 2 Career Exhibits

Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with recruiters from around the country!

10:00 am - 4:30 pm

Skill-Up Stations

Take part in brief 1:1 sessions alongside a marketing professional around key topics to boost your career readiness. As we get closer to the conference, more information will be shared about topics that will be covered, and how to schedule an appointment.

10:30 am - 11:15 am
Experience Speaks

Find Your Dream Job

Join Coach Marty, founder of Career Therapy, for the “Find Your Dream Job” talk, where you will learn how to take charge of your professional story and forge your unique career path. In this session, we will provide practical tips and guidance to help you identify your unique strengths, overcome obstacles and create a personalized roadmap for success. Leave this talk with the tools and confidence to turn worries into wins and achieve your career aspirations. Join us for an inspiring and informative discussion that will motivate you to take the next step in your career.

Martin McGovern

Founder and Lead Career Coach, Career Therapy

Experience Speaks

A Brand Built to Last

Have you ever been driving down the road and seen a logo for Starbucks, or McDonalds or Apple, and immediately felt a stirring in your spirit? That’s branding. So how do you build a brand like that? What’s the marketing strategy behind creating a brand that’s built to last? In this session we’ll explore 3 key elements to building a brand, and look at real-world examples of a job well done. You’ll also have the opportunity to develop your own personal built-to-last brand using the elements discussed and share it with your peers!

Michelle Okeke

Marketing Lead, Bose Corporation

Experience Speaks

Down to the Dirt, Up to the Sky

Branding is creating an emotion or attitude tied to a name or a mark. Fonts, marks and logos will evolve but the brand will change very little. In this session, Simone will share her 17 year journey to building the Demo Diva brand name.

Key points will be:

  • Brand personality: Authenticity always wins.
  • Timing:  In shifting cultures, read your audience.
  • Consistency:  Consistency = Consumer confidence.
  • Safeguard the domains and trademark:  The vultures are always lurking. Complacency can kill a million-dollar idea.

Simone Bruni

Founder and Operator, Demo Diva Demolition

Experience Speaks

The Influencer Effect: How Creators are Transforming Marketing

This session will explore the transformative impact of influencers on today’s marketing landscape.

Attendees will gain insight into the unique power of influencers and their ability to foster authentic connections with target audiences, ultimately driving brand awareness, engagement, and loyalty. The presentation will also examine successful influencer marketing campaigns, revealing the secrets behind their effectiveness and offering practical tips for brands looking to harness the potential of influencer collaborations.

Additionally, the session will cover the future of influencer marketing, discussing emerging trends, potential challenges, and the evolving role of influencers as industry game-changers. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and learn how to leverage the power of influencers to revolutionize your marketing approach.

Alex Morrison

Chief Marketing Officer, Pearpop

11:30 am - 12:15 pm
Experience Speaks

Find Your Dream Job

Join Coach Marty, founder of Career Therapy, for the “Find Your Dream Job” talk, where you will learn how to take charge of your professional story and forge your unique career path. In this session, we will provide practical tips and guidance to help you identify your unique strengths, overcome obstacles and create a personalized roadmap for success. Leave this talk with the tools and confidence to turn worries into wins and achieve your career aspirations. Join us for an inspiring and informative discussion that will motivate you to take the next step in your career.

Martin McGovern

Founder and Lead Career Coach, Career Therapy

Experience Speaks

A Brand Built to Last

Have you ever been driving down the road and seen a logo for Starbucks, or McDonalds or Apple, and immediately felt a stirring in your spirit? That’s branding. So how do you build a brand like that? What’s the marketing strategy behind creating a brand that’s built to last? In this session we’ll explore 3 key elements to building a brand, and look at real – world examples of a job well done. You’ll also have the opportunity to develop your own personal built-to-last brand using the elements discussed and share it with your peers!

Michelle Okeke

Marketing Lead, Bose Corporation

Experience Speaks

Down to the Dirt, Up to the Sky

Branding is creating an emotion or attitude tied to a name or a mark. Fonts, marks and logos will evolve but the brand will change very little. In this session, Simone will share her 17 year journey to building the Demo Diva brand name.

Key points will be:

  • Brand personality: Authenticity always wins.
  • Timing:  In shifting cultures, read your audience.
  • Consistency:  Consistency = Consumer confidence.
  • Safeguard the domains and trademark:  The vultures are always lurking. Complacency can kill a million-dollar idea.

Simone Bruni

Founder and Operator, Demo Diva Demolition

Experience Speaks

The Influencer Effect: How Creators are Transforming Marketing

This session will explore the transformative impact of influencers on today’s marketing landscape.

Attendees will gain insight into the unique power of influencers and their ability to foster authentic connections with target audiences, ultimately driving brand awareness, engagement, and loyalty. The presentation will also examine successful influencer marketing campaigns, revealing the secrets behind their effectiveness and offering practical tips for brands looking to harness the potential of influencer collaborations.

Additionally, the session will cover the future of influencer marketing, discussing emerging trends, potential challenges, and the evolving role of influencers as industry game-changers. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and learn how to leverage the power of influencers to revolutionize your marketing approach.

Alex Morrison

Chief Marketing Officer, Pearpop

12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Sales Competition

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Faculty Luncheon

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Student Networking Lunch

1:45 pm - 4:30 pm
Chapter Leadership Sessions

How to Become a Top Small Chapter

Chapter Leadership Session

Planning an AMAzing Marketing Week

Michelle Okeke

Marketing Lead, Bose Corporation

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Marketing Strategy Competition (PM Session)

The Marketing Strategy Competition takes place at the AMA International Collegiate Conference. We level the playing field for all schools, big and small, to challenge your wit, speed and presentation skills.

This one is all about using your knowledge and experience to react quickly to come up with a case solution.

You have the option of participating in this afternoon session, or the morning session starting at 9 a.m.

2:45 pm - 3:30 pm
Chapter Leadership Session


Chapter Leadership Session

Chapter of the Year

Chapter Leadership Session

Community & Social Impact (Chapter Leadership Session)

3:45 pm - 4:30 pm
Chapter Leadership Session


Chapter Leadership Session

E-Board Leadership/Chapter Planning

Chapter Leadership Session


Chapter Leadership Session

Professional Development

5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Competitions Ceremony | Keynote: Katie Fabry

Keynote Session Details:

In marketing, there are endless shiny objects begging for your attention and your budget. With a limitless list of directions you can go in, there’s an ever-present push for your brand to show up everywhere perfectly and instantly. In this session, we’ll cover the importance of focus when driving innovation and growth within your business as well as tips to apply these lessons to your personal brand.

Katie Fabry

Marketing Director, The Wall Street Journal


8:00 am - 9:15 am

Faculty Breakfast

8:00 am - 9:30 am


8:00 am - 12:00 pm


Come check-in, get your badge and more information on the event.

8:00 am - 12:00 pm

College 2 Career Exhibits

Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with recruiters from around the country!

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Skill-Up Stations

Take part in brief 1:1 sessions alongside a marketing professional around key topics to boost your career readiness. As we get closer to the conference, more information will be shared about topics that will be covered, and how to schedule an appointment.

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Perfect Pitch Competition Finals

Finalists for the Perfect Pitch Competition will have one more opportunity to compete, as judges determine the winners.

9:00 am - 12:45 pm

Marketing Strategy Competition Finals

Finalists for the Marketing Strategy Competition will have one more opportunity to compete, as judges determine the winners.

9:00 am - 1:30 pm

Sales Competition Finals

Finalists for the Sales Competition will have one more opportunity to compete, as judges determine the winners.

10:00 am - 10:45 am
Experience Speaks

Lift Every Voice on Campus: How to Create Inclusivity Through Influence in Marketing

Wanna change the world or just live your best life in it? As rising marketers, you have the power to make a difference starting in your own chapter. Colleges can be an ecosystem for diversity, but applying the core principles of equity and inclusion can be challenging, no matter how progressive your campus may be. But marketers have a unique capability and responsibility; they can literally change the world with the power of (repeated) suggestion.

Your chapter is the perfect springboard for building an inclusively sustainable future with marketing at the heart of it. Why? Because integrating DEI starts with the leadership of your board and your team, builds momentum with your sponsors and partners, trickles out to your constituents, and culminates in the community your build around your mission. Marketers are the face of the brand and the voice of the customer. Join this session to learn how you can lift every voice and spark the change our society deserves.

Karen McFarlane

CMO, LetterShop x Kaye Media; Chair of DEI, AMA New York & AMA Professional Chapters Council

Experience Speaks

Marketing for Social Change: Food Waste & Overconsumption

Marketing is much more than just sales and/or advertising. In fact, marketing can be thought of as any activity that facilitates the exchange of value between two parties, including businesses, customers, clients, partners, and even society at large. This session explores how understanding consumers’ political views can be useful in shifting their food choices toward healthier and environmentally sustainable decisions that benefit society at large.

Erick Mas Headshot

Erick Mas

Assistant Professor of Marketing Indiana University, Kelley School of Business

Experience Speaks

Developing and Marketing Your Personal Brand on Social Media

Does the current economic climate concern you about starting or shifting the direction of your career? Having a dynamic professional profile, and a plan to digitally market it via social media can provide both a starting point and continued flexibility for you throughout your career. In this fast-paced, interactive, and fun workshop, participants will develop their own dynamic professional profile and learn strategies to market their brand on social media immediately and into the future.

Craig Marinello

Manager, Student Employment and Internship Development, Southeastern Louisiana University

11:00 am - 11:45 am
Experience Speaks

Lift Every Voice on Campus: How to Create Inclusivity Through Influence in Marketing

Wanna change the world or just live your best life in it? As rising marketers, you have the power to make a difference starting in your own chapter. Colleges can be an ecosystem for diversity, but applying the core principles of equity and inclusion can be challenging, no matter how progressive your campus may be. But marketers have a unique capability and responsibility; they can literally change the world with the power of (repeated) suggestion.

Your chapter is the perfect springboard for building an inclusively sustainable future with marketing at the heart of it. Why? Because integrating DEI starts with the leadership of your board and your team, builds momentum with your sponsors and partners, trickles out to your constituents, and culminates in the community your build around your mission. Marketers are the face of the brand and the voice of the customer. Join this session to learn how you can lift every voice and spark the change our society deserves.

Karen McFarlane

CMO, LetterShop x Kaye Media; Chair of DEI, AMA New York & AMA Professional Chapters Council

Experience Speaks

Marketing for Social Change: Food Waste & Overconsumption

Marketing is much more than just sales and/or advertising. In fact, marketing can be thought of as any activity that facilitates the exchange of value between two parties, including businesses, customers, clients, partners, and even society at large. This session explores how understanding consumers’ political views can be useful in shifting their food choices toward healthier and environmentally sustainable decisions that benefit society at large.

Erick Mas Headshot

Erick Mas

Assistant Professor of Marketing Indiana University, Kelley School of Business

Experience Speaks

Developing and Marketing Your Personal Brand on Social Media

Does the current economic climate concern you about starting or shifting the direction of your career? Having a dynamic professional profile, and a plan to digitally market it via social media can provide both a starting point and continued flexibility for you throughout your career. In this fast-paced, interactive, and fun workshop, participants will develop their own dynamic professional profile and learn strategies to market their brand on social media immediately and into the future.

Craig Marinello

Manager, Student Employment and Internship Development, Southeastern Louisiana University

11:00 am - 12:15 pm

College to Career Panel

During the College to Career Panel, professional marketers will share insider tips and guidance to help future graduates navigate their early career planning and job search strategies.

Isabelle Ivankovich

Assoc. Account Executive, Amazon Web Services; 2022 AMA Student Marketer of the Year

Jakeim Jackson-Bell

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Outreach Manager, Milwaukee Bucks

Tanmay Manohar

Vice President, People Analytics & Workforce Planning, Paramount

Charique L. Richardson, MBA

Founder & Web Designer, Digital Innovation Media Group

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Lunch (On Your Own)

1:00 pm - 2:15 pm

Case Competition Winner's Showcase

The 1st Place winners of the 2023 AMA Collegiate Case Competition will present their case. Open to all conference attendees.

The 2023 AMA ICC Case Competition is sponsored by The Wall Street Journal.

2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Design Marketing Lab

The ICC Design Marketing Lab was developed to provide participants an opportunity to practice naming and visual brand development through a series of quick drills that will help them have a better understanding of different ideation processes. They will learn “What qualities make for a successful name and logo?” and practice hands-on development of both. Students will also walk away with a better understanding of the role design marketing can play in elevating social impact and DEI, and will have their very own design that showcases their unique understanding to other student marketers. This session is for those who wish to add verbal and visual branding to their list of marketing skills and who want to feel more confident critiquing the creative work of others.

Advanced sign-up is required for this session and space is limited. Sign-ups will be sent to registered conference attendees ahead of time.

Meta Newhouse

Department Chair in Design, Lesley University

6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Chapter Awards Banquet

Join the Conference Co-Chairs, Collegiate Chapters Council, and AMA Support Center, as they present awards to the AMA Collegiate Chapters for excellent work completed during the year, and recipients of our various individual awards. Let’s come together, celebrate, and bring the 2023 AMA ICC to an AMAzing close!

Business or evening attire required.

Case Competition Sponsor



Outbound Sales Competition Sponsor

International Sales Competition Sponsor

Sherwin Williams Logo

Simulation Competition Sponsor


Dinner Sponsor

Luncheon Sponsor



Faculty Reception Sponsor




WVU logo


2023 International Collegiate Conference FAQs



If you need a moment of quiet, there is a self-care space available throughout the conference in the 5th Floor Registration Room.



  • Wednesday, March 29 the Collegiate Chapter Council will have a dinner offsite. 
  • Thursday, March 30 Students and Attendees will get to explore the rich cuisine of New Orleans and no meals will be served as part of the conference. 
  • Friday, March 31, there will be lunch served to all conference attendees                                               
  • Saturday April 1, continental breakfast will be served as well as a full dinner reception.



SSID: MarriottBonvoy_Conference |   Password: focus2023



Check-in: 4:00 pm | Check-out: 11:00 am



Please be sure to visit the sponsors and recruiters during the College 2 Career Expo on Friday from 10:00 am-4:30 pm and Saturday from 8:00 am-12:00 pm. You can also sign up for the Skill-Up Stations in Cvent. 



Look for anyone wearing a Navy Blue AMA pullover or vest and approach them with questions; several AMA Headquarters Staff Members are stationed around the conference to help it run smoothly and offer assistance. 

Alternatively, you can visit the AMA Registration Desk (on the 3rd floor) for any in-depth assistance. You may also reach out to @AMACollegiate on Instagram with questions. However, please note that response time on social media may not be as fast as finding a staff member in person.


Registration Desk Hours:

  • Wednesday, March 29, 2023: 4:00 pm-6:00 pm
  • Thursday, March 30, 2023: 7:00 am-7:30 pm
  • Friday, March 31, 2023: 8:30 am-7:00 pm
  • Saturday, April 1, 2023: 8:00 am-2:30 pm



Yes! We are active on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok and Twitter

The conference hashtag this year is #AMAICC. 



We will add a link to access all of the professional photos taken at 2023 AMA ICC here Monday, April 3!



Onsite signage will have QR codes you can use to download the app. Or, you can also download the Cvent app with the app store links below. Once you have downloaded the Cvent app, search for the 

“AMA International Collegiate Conference.”

  • App store link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/cvent-events/id1491335576
  • Google play app link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cvent.mobile.eventapp&hl=en_US&gl=US



Registration for all the on-site competitions occurs in the months leading up to the conference. Please visit our competitions page to find out more information about what competitions are happening and how to register.



  • Thursday, March 29: Casual (example: chapter t-shirts with jeans).
  • Friday, March 30 – Saturday, March 31: Business Casual
  • Banquet on Saturday, April 1: Business Professional
For any other conference questions, please contact AMA Customer Service: customersupport@ama.org
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