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Dues Rates and Changes

Dues Rates

New and renewing AMA members pay a flat annual dues rate. See AMA membership for specific amounts.

Professional chapter dues are deducted from this payment behind the scenes and reimbursed to the chapter. See Professional Chapter Dues Reimbursement for more details.

Each professional chapter has a specific local dues amount for its members and student members. To find out a chapter’s local dues rates, contact the AMA Support Center at

Dues Changes

Professional chapters have the opportunity to request a change in chapter dues rates for members and/or student members once each fiscal year.  Dues change requests must be submitted to the AMA Support Center by April 1 in order to be considered for implementation on July 1.

The procedure for changing the chapter dues rates is as follows:

  1. The chapter board of directors explores the possibility of changes to its chapter dues rate for members and/or student members, conducting research and discussing potential impacts.
  2. The chapter board of directors votes to change the chapter dues rate for members and/or student members.
  3. The chapter submits the following information to the AMA Support Center at by April 1:
    • Current chapter dues rate(s).
    • New requested chapter dues rate(s).
    • Written business case supporting the requested change (see more details below).
  4. The AMA Support Center submits all chapter dues change requests simultaneously to the national AMA board of directors for review and action.
  5. Two-thirds of the voting members of the national AMA board of directors must vote to approve a dues change request for it to pass.
  6. The AMA Support Center notifies the chapter of the national AMA board of directors’ votes.
  7. Approved dues change requests become effective July 1.
  8. Twelve months after approval, the chapter reports to the national AMA board of directors about the resulting impact of this increase.

It is recommended that the chapter business case touches on the following items when possible:

  • Reason for the increase request (intended use of funds, how it benefits members, etc.).
  • Last dues increase (date, amount).
  • Local market factors (cost of living, competition, etc.).

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