Mentorship in a Minute is a complete resource for AMA chapters to utilize in starting, enriching or growing a formal mentoring program. This collection of resources includes best practices, tools, tips and case studies cultivated through research, interviews and data from AMA chapters who have successfully implemented a formal mentoring program as well as best practices in the field of mentoring.
Mentorship in a Minute: The Value of Mentoring
Mentorship in a Minute: Launching a New Program
Mentorship in a Minute: Enriching a Program Coming Soon
Mentorship in a Minute: Resources
Mentorship in a Minute: Learning Series
View these resources through the lens of your chapter’s organizational goals and strategy and incorporate the elements of your unique chapter culture and community needs as you build, enrich or grow your mentoring program.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Christine Lucenta, Manager of Professional Communities at