Building Resilience by Building Bridges: Business, Marketing and Policy for Societal Well-Being
June 20-22, 2025 | Washington, DC
The 2025 conference theme seeks to stimulate and integrate marketing and policy discussions and collaborations for building and improving resilience to the strains of multiple adverse trends democratic societies face. As an example of the most critical strains, the top 5 trends in the World Economic Forum’s 2024 global risks outlook include socio-political polarization, extreme weather and other critical changes to Earth systems, cyber insecurity and disinformation, and the outbreak of wars. The fragmenting, in-flux landscape places pressure on a cornerstone mechanism for facilitating societal well-being: the collective action by and collaboration between governance, corporate, and civil society actors.
In this spirit, we hope to provide an environment for our attendees to share evidence-based knowledge and co-create practically impactful policy solutions for resilience via marketing innovation. Submit your research and join us to build new bridges!
Submission Note:
Submissions to all tracks should specify their research alignment with major priority policy areas, i.e., United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals and World Economic Forum Global Risks. Specification of alignment with other policymakers’ priorities is also welcome.
Conference Tracks
This track welcomes submissions addressing the role of collaboration and tension in policy development. Research providing evidence, conceptualizations, frameworks, and applications from multiple stakeholders (i.e., government, business, NGOs, etc.) are encouraged; other perspectives are also welcome.
This track welcomes submissions addressing the role of competition policy, antitrust, and market power. Research providing evidence, conceptualizations, frameworks, and applications for policies on competition and related topics are encouraged; other perspectives are also welcome.
This track welcomes submissions that address the role of cyberscapes and artificial intelligence. Research providing evidence, conceptualizations, frameworks, and applications for technology policies are encouraged; other perspectives are also welcome.
This track is open to submissions examining policy-relevant food issues, including but not limited to nutrition and eco-labeling, hunger and food insecurity, food allergies, sustainable food alternatives, and food waste. Research exploring relevant and timely food policy to bolster consumer well-being and sustainability is particularly encouraged.
This track welcomes submissions concerned with addressing the rise of misinformation and disinformation. Studies providing evidence and frameworks for policies on information consumption protection and education are encouraged; other perspectives are also welcome.
This track welcomes submissions that address the role of healthcare. Research providing evidence, conceptualizations, frameworks, and applications for policies on healthcare, access, and equitable healthcare outcomes are encouraged; other perspectives are also welcome.
This track welcomes submissions addressing the role of housing, urban development, community, and social services. Research providing evidence, conceptualizations, frameworks, and applications for policies on housing and related topics are encouraged; other perspectives are also welcome.
This track welcomes submissions that address the role of government. Research providing evidence, conceptualizations, frameworks, and applications for different levels and branches of government are encouraged; other perspectives are also welcome.
This track is open to submissions exploring policy innovations to improve marketplace access and experiences of underserved consumer populations and/or intergroup solidarity and care. It welcomes work covering all and any facets and intersections of diversity, including race/ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, migration and neuro status, alongside others.
Submissions to this track will focus on the role of marketing in policy solutions for nurturing resilience and mitigating vulnerabilities of communities experiencing or supporting those affected by disasters and violence. Contexts include but are not limited to civilians in war zones, war and climate refugees and their hosts, and gun control.
Submissions to this track will explore marketplace solutions for mitigating and minimizing excessive animosity toward opposing perspectives while preserving the democratic principles of pluralism.
This track is open to submissions examining the effectiveness of marketplace initiatives in easing the impacts of poverty in its various facets (e.g., health, energy, education, standards of living) and contexts (developing and developed countries). Submissions evaluating long-standing and new government, public, and corporate sector initiatives (linked to the current cost of living crisis) are encouraged.
This track welcomes work exploring marketing and policy related to substance use and potential abuse. It is open to work on cannabis, tobacco, nicotine, opioids, and other substances. Considering implications for policy, vulnerable populations, and well-being is encouraged.
Submissions to this track will explore environmental, social, or economic sustainability through the lens of policy, marketing practice, or consumption. Authors are encouraged to consider the relevance of their research to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
Submission Types
Submission Template – Competitive Papers
Manuscripts addressing substantive or theoretical topics are sought for competitive paper sessions.
It is mandatory that at least one author of all accepted papers register for, and present the paper at, the conference. Submission of the same (or substantially overlapping) manuscript(s) to multiple themes is not permitted. As a reminder, papers are reviewed following a double-anonymized process; reviewers will not know who authored the papers, nor will authors know the names of their reviewers.
Format and Style for Competitive Papers:
Prepare and submit electronic documents in PDF format. Please include 1) Title, 2) Extended Abstract (175 word limit), 3) Key Contributions to academe and practitioners (300 words) 4) Manuscript (up to 3,600 words), 5) Table or Figure (optional) and 6) Selected references. Authors have the option of including one table summarizing results and/or one figure (these do not count against the word limit). References also do not count against the word limit.
[Please note that submissions with text longer than 4,100 words will not be reviewed].
To assure an anonymous review, authors must avoid revealing their identities in the body or reference section of the paper. Authors should do the following:
- Do not save the file with author-identifying information in the file name.
- Do not include a front page with author-identifying information.
- Remove the author identifying information from the document’s file properties.
Confirmation that your paper was submitted successfully will be sent via email to the submitter.
Authors of accepted competitive papers have the option of publishing either an extended abstract or a full paper in the conference proceedings. Choosing to publish an Extended Abstract gives authors the option to submit the paper elsewhere for publication after the conference.
Submission Template – Poster Presentation
Poster sessions provide an opportunity to share research in the working stage, i.e., with at least part of the data having been collected and analyzed, but not necessarily ready for submission to a journal. They are presented as part of poster sessions. Poster sessions can be particularly useful for getting input at intermediate stages of a research project. All poster abstract submissions must be directed to only one topic.
By submitting a poster abstract, the author affirms that they will register for and appear at the conference to participate in the poster session.
Format and Submission Process for Posters:
Prepare and submit an extended abstract in PDF format. Poster submissions must include the title and an extended abstract of 750-1000 words plus selected references. The abstract should summarize the research, including the conceptual framework, description of the method, data, results, and conclusions. Authors also have the option of including one table summarizing results and/or one figure (these also do not count against the word limit).
In addition to the manuscript, please prepare brief descriptions clearly stating your (1) Research Question, (2) Method and Data used (not applicable for non-empirical papers), (3) Key Contributions, and (4) Summary of Findings.
To assure an anonymous review, authors must avoid revealing their identities in the body or reference section of the paper. Authors should do the following:
- Do not include a front page with author-identifying information.
At the time of submission via Ex Ordo, the submitter will be asked to provide contact information for all authors including name, affiliation and email.
Confirmation that your abstract was submitted successfully will be sent via email to the submitter.
Accepted poster authors must agree to prepare a poster for display during the session and be available to discuss your research and answer questions at the invited poster session.
Submission Template – Special Session
Anyone may organize and propose a special session, although those who are unfamiliar with AMA conference special sessions are encouraged to discuss their ideas with the conference co-chairs or track chairs for developmental feedback before submitting a proposal. Special sessions provide a good vehicle to acquaint marketing academics with new perspectives, theories, and provocative ideas, to bring diverse participants together around a common theme, or to integrate academically-minded practitioners into the conference. Sessions involving participants from multiple countries, focusing on theory development or cutting-edge research directions, and offering insights regarding academic-business partnerships for teaching or research are particularly encouraged.
Special sessions should feature three or four presentations on a related theme. Another possibility is an interactive panel discussion among 4-6 panelists and a moderator. Other creative special session formats are encouraged, particularly those that generate attendee interaction.
All special session proposal submissions must be directed to only one topic. Proposals for special sessions should describe the topic and its importance to marketing, summarize the issues to be covered, and identify all individuals (with their qualifications) who will formally participate. Special session proposals should provide specificity regarding the purpose, format, participants and roles in the session.
Selection criteria include the general quality of the proposal, the level of interest the session is likely to generate at the conference, and the session’s relevance to the conference theme.
By submitting a special session proposal, the organizer and listed participants affirm that, if accepted, all will register for and appear at the Conference as described in the proposal.
Format and Submission Process for Special Sessions:
Prepare and submit an extended abstract in PDF format. Special session proposals must include the title of the session and an extended abstract of 4,100 words maximum. The proposal should describe the objective of the session, its structure and general orientation, likely audience, key issues, and topics to be covered, as well as a description of why the session is likely to make an important contribution to the discipline. Also, include a brief description of each paper in the session.
The text of the special session proposal must not exceed 4,100 words and should be submitted in the double-spaced format, prepared in 12-point font. Please prepare a separate description not exceeding 100 words. This should not be included in the proposal itself but will be pasted in the appropriate space during the submission process via Ex Ordo
At the time of submission via the online system, the submitter will be asked to provide contact information for all presenters including name, affiliation, and email as it should appear in the final program materials.
Due to the unique nature of special sessions, presenter names and information should be included in the proposal and will be noted as a part of the review process.
Confirmation that your proposal was submitted successfully will be sent via email to the submitter. All special session moderators and participants are expected to register for the conference.
How Do I Submit My Paper?
All submissions should be made electronically via the AMA’s online submission management system (Ex Ordo). If you have submitted to an AMA academic conference in the last year, you should be able to use the same username and password. The deadline for submission was Thursday, November 21, 2024.
Important Dates
- Call for Papers Deadline: November 21, 2024
- Accept/Reject Notifications Sent: Early March
- Event Early-Bird Registration: May 14, 2025
- Conference Dates: June 20-22, 2025
Conference Co-Chairs
Chris Berry
Colorado State University
Eva Kipnis
University of Bradford
Riley Krotz
Florida State University
Code of Ethics
Authors submitting papers to American Marketing Association academic conferences must adhere to the following code of ethics:
- Submitting authors should specify who will present papers being considered for Special Sessions or Competitive Paper presentations. An author can be listed as a presenter for no more than two submissions but can be listed as the co-author of multiple submissions. This restriction is to encourage authors to submit their best work and to allow a wider range of presenters.
- Submissions should not already be published in any journal or publication (including online journals, books, and book chapters). Submitting authors should monitor this issue carefully.