Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an evolving management practice that brings things like sustainability, accountability and philanthropic efforts in to a company’s business model. Raising awareness, building trust, taking responsibility, and encouraging change are all central to CSR. Although usually seen in big companies, the recent booming of younger generations combined with their commitment to social awareness has made CSR a priority for businesses of all sizes.
What modern organizations need to know
Marketing is often about connection and understanding— and if you’re from a different generation, you might not fully understand how people from younger generations think. More than that, you might not understand how they interact with the world or how they make decisions.
Aligning your corporate giving with your business or organization’s mission and daily operations is a crucial factor in the success of your business. Use this guide to learn about the trends, statistics, and strategies that your corporate social responsibility program should consider in order to effectively resonate with Millennial and Gen Z consumers.

Corporate philanthrophy and giving isn’t just a generational trend. It’s good for everyone. Download Millennials, Gen Z, and the Rising Demand for CSR today!