General FAQs
What’s the format and timing of the event?
The event will be hosted on the ExOrdo Virtual platform using the Cisco WebEx Webinar Events platform. All sessions are 75 minutes and the event takes place on August 18 – 20 from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Central. Time Zone Converter You will need to download the Webex Events app to view the livecast. You can download this ahead of time if you wish: Download Link
You must access the live event on a Windows or Mac laptop or desktop computer. Otherwise, you will not be able to access the live event
Do I need to register?
Yes. All presenters and attendees must register to attend live and on-demand sessions. The email you use to register will be the one you use to gain access to the Ex Ordo Virtual platform.
When do I need to send in my presentation materials?
Any uploaded materials, including extended abstracts for the proceedings, are due by August 10, 2020.
Will there still be SIG receptions?
Yes, on Wednesday at 4 pm Central, after sessions end. Details, including a full list, are still forthcoming.
More Helpful Ex Ordo Links:
Attending an event on a Live Stage
Accessing on demand content (i.e. posters)
How to Prepare for Competitive Paper Presentation
During the event:
Each competitive paper session will have 5-6 papers, each presenter will have 10-12 minutes to present.
It is highly recommended that you pre-record your paper presentation and play the video when it is your turn to present. You can learn more here.
After the event:
Your submission and presentation video will be available for viewing and comment for AMA Summer Academic attendees for 45 days after the event.
What is required for participation:
- Paid registration
- Notification of who the presenter is (best completed through the Ex Ordo platform)
- Uploading of your extended abstract or full paper for the proceedings
- Uploading the prerecorded video of your 10-12 minute presentation (.mp4 format, recorded in Standard Definition, no bigger than 3 GB). Tips for recording available here. Information for uploading to Ex Ordo here.
- Uploading of your short author bio and/or headshot
- Uploading any additional information you would like to be made available to attendees.
How to Prepare for Poster Presentations
Before and During the Event:
The poster session will be hosted online with no live presentations. You will need to prepare a short video recording of your presentation and/or provide an image to be uploaded to the online platform. You will receive feedback through comments and/or emails.
After the Event:
Your submission, including the presentation, will be available for viewing and comment for AMA Summer Academic Conference attendees for 45 days after the event.
What is required for participation:
- Paid registration through
- Uploading of either your 5 minute presentation video (.mp4 format, recorded in Standard Definition, no bigger than 3 GB) or a high-resolution image. Tips for recording available here. Information for uploading to Ex Ordo here.
- Uploading of your extended abstract for the proceedings
- Uploading of both your 5 minute presentation video or a high-resolution image
- Uploading of your short author bio and headshot